Saturday, November 26, 2022

Boschian Toy Weekend

 On Instagram, or here… 

Copy a detail from Hieronymus Bosch’s paintings with your toys, or make your own Boschian delight, like this hat inspired by Bosch’s funnel hats. (Can you tell what it’s made of?)



  1. Top to the salt shaker, a thimble, a pipe cleaner. Very nice!

  2. What Mary said.
    I have one that came together just before slumber last night. Simply and fun.

  3. MS MOON: You are a domestic goddess, for sure!
    ALas, the thimble fell off when I was photographing--you can't get six small children to stay still at once, as you know better than I!

    LINDA SUE: I just saw your re-creation, and it is too, too wonderful!!! Stab me in the heart (not literally)!
