Sunday, July 31, 2022

bink's brain-damaged art

Due to her brain having been knocked about, bink has to measure out her energy and focus in coffee spoons. 
In traffic light terms,
her neurologist says,"It's okay to go into the yellow, but avoid the red."
Going into the red makes her feel disgustingly sick––for hours, or even days.

bink is an artist. Not using her hand/eye coordination for months is making her sad.
Last Sunday at our weekly coffee morning at my place, I said, let's try drawing with our eyes closed. We drew sunflowers we'd seen at the farmers market.

When she was first concussed in mid-April, even thinking about seeing things
gave her a headache--vision happens inside the brain.
But now she's a little better, and drawing one picture was okay.

This Sunday, she drew two more with her eyes closed.
I think she's onto something: these drawings of her little dog, Astro, are more charming than her usual open-eyed sketches!

Good example of damaged brain fog:
bink drew these one after the other and labeled them Drawing #2 and Drawing #4.
Drawing #3 is nonexistent.

 Luckily the damage does not affect her personality at all--except for making her sad. And bored.


  1. Just what I was looking for!! Brilliant, Nothing is more calming to me than closing my eyes...and ears. I have a little booklet That has drawing paper in it, not good for much but that...what a good way to fill the pages, eyes closed.Astro is the amazing cosmic pooch , Bink on the blink is exceptional. INSPIRATION!!!

  2. LINDA SUE: "bink on the blink" --heh heh, that's perfect:
    I'm going to call her--& this time in her life-- that.

    I only did one eyes-closed drawing, and it was fun but today I wanted to add shading to the painting for Fiona before I mail it to her tomorrow, so I did that.

    But bink said she likes doing this on Sundays, so we'll do more.
    If you do too, I'd love to see some!

  3. Austin Kleon has an exercise where you look in a mirror and draw yourself without looking at the paper which is along the same line.

    The Astro drawings are very charming. Amazing how a few lines convey the dog.

    Tell bink -- we in your blog world are hoping the best for her recovery.


  4. KIRSTEN: I love those "don't look" exercises!

    Thanks for your get-well wishes--that's kind of you--I will pass them along to bink. The docs say she WILL get better--the brain has amazing neuroplasticity-- but it's a long haul.
