Monday, May 24, 2021

Picnic (in Paris)

I have seen more friends in the last ten days than I saw in the last fourteen months.
Full face, in person!

Minnesota is among
the US states that have fully vaccinated at least 50 percent of adults. Half the states have.
That's not enough for herd immunity (per Mayo), but it's enough to have a picnic!

Sophie (below, center) threw me a belated sixtieth-birthday picnic party in her backyard yesterday, with Maura (left) and bink (right).

Iced tea in stemmed glasses... fruit salad, avocado & lox toasts, and all sort of desserts, including raspberry and mango macarons.

The girlettes were invited too!
"Under the Linden trees in Paris," they say.  (!? It was a crab apple.)

Annette made them croissants ^ (out of clay).
Pensive Bear prefers chocolate chip cookies because they look like polka dots.
(Close-up photos by bink.)

 Good thing they were still wearing their Circus costumes:
"There was even a miniature Eiffel Tower for acrobats."

They checked out the people food too.
"Unwieldy," Penny Cooper declares. "Ours is nicer."

I'd had to stop for the picnic, so this morning--back to painting my walls white.
I am not tidy. But I did follow protocol--washed the walls (as you quite rightly say, River)
and everything.


  1. The walls are looking great! How fun that you got a party. Happy belated!

  2. What a grand picnic, BOTH of them but I must agree the Girlettes got the best of the lot! They are well pleased! Finding that many Girlette sized chairs is a feat! Good idea making clay food too. Lovely friends!

    Your room looks GREAT!It is amazing what a coat of paint can do . The windows that you discovered are the perfect thing are they not?? Great job Ms. drip on the face!

  3. Well done, all around. Those windows are capital! And so awful to paint.

  4. The room is looking good, don't forget the all important second coat.
    Where on earth did you find chairs and a table in their size for the girlettes? All I can find out here is pink plastic Barbie stuff.

  5. STEVE: Thanks! It was a surprise that it was a birthday party---so nice!

    LINDA SUE: The girlettes bring out the good in people, I think.

    I am soooo happy with the windows. Wish I'd done it sooner--HouseMate had been reluctant (not sure why). Finally I just went ahead and did it (while she was out of town).

    JOANNE: Ha, yes, I didn't repaint the window mullions. (Mullions? I think that's the word for the vertical strips of wood that separate the panes of glass.)

    RIVER: Indeed, I did a second coat yesterday--it gleams! (Semi-gloss.)

    The girlette table & chairs belong to my friend who hosted the picnic--or, rather, to her grown-up granddaughter who had Madeline dolls when she was little--
    my friend saved them for her (... and possible future children to come?).
