Sunday, March 21, 2021

Bears & Bedding

It's spring!
Even here, where the ground is still mostly frozen, some brave green shoots are pushing up.

Today it is 58º and windy--a perfect day to air Bears & Bedding.

Blow away the dust mites that leave us lost and broken-hearted.

Above, L to R:
My duvet, Sidney Bearchet, Rescue Panda #2, Bed Bear, Rescue Panda #1 (pink glass eyes courtesy of Art Sparker!), Red Bear, and Robat


  1. I used to feel a little cruel when I brought the bears and other soft toys home from nursery for their yearly wash (which perhaps should have been more often!) but they always looked so comical hanging on the line. Maybe bears find it thrilling to hang upside down in the breeze. Let's hope so anyway!

  2. SARAH: I just asked them (in my mind), and they said they love hanging on the line.
    "We're swinging like acrobats" they say.

    (I didn't wash them though... gosh, should I? But no little grubby hands have been all over them, so I think they're okay.)

  3. P.S. Mostly I didn't hang them by their ears though--mostly they don't like that. (Rescue Panda #1 said it was best, in its case though, due to its squarish anatomy. It said it didn't want to fall on the ground, and its ears are sturdy.)

  4. That's a great photo! It's like a circus! The bears look like they are having so much fun being acrobatic.

  5. I air my stuffed monkeys each year too, I fashion a hammock of sorts by pegging a large mosquito net to two lines and laying the monkeys in that. Bedding gets aired but usually I wash it first, in our Aussie sunshine it dries in time to go back on the bed.

  6. BINK: They love it: "Do it again!" they say.

    RIVER: That's a smart idea--a net hammock!
