Tuesday, October 6, 2020

My Evening Plans

 So pleased—this book, Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character, recommended by Michael of Orange Crate Art came into the thrift store today. A psychiatrist compares Vietnam vets with soldiers in Homer’s Iliad —three things I’m interested in.  

I’ve been wanting to read it—am starting it this minute.


  1. What a thrift store. Hard truths in that book. It’s eye-opening.

  2. After reading the reviews on Amazon, it sounds like a very good but difficult to read book. Much like "We were Soldiers Once ....and Young" (and don't read while flying).

    I have several friends who still will never talk about their experiences.


  3. Of course I'm distracted by the dog in the background. :D

  4. Not a book I'd want to read. I heard enough from my returned ex, who never actually said any words, but the nightmares and drinking spoke for him. He didn't get therapy until after we divorced 22 years later.
