Saturday, September 19, 2020

Goats Fight Fire

Death, destruction, and the rise of Very Bad People.

I commented to a friend, it's like we're in the first book of Lord of the Rings...

But, as Molly Ivins said, remember the plucky hobbits!

No, she didn't. She said,

“We should be cheerful about the here and now on the principle that it can always get worse, and then we will never have been cheerful at all.”

I tell ya, the worse things get, the more I embrace Ivins's exhortation to cheerfulness, which annoys the hell out of me when times are better (or when I'm less aware, anyway, of how awful they are).
I'm very cheery indeed these days.

Anyway--good beings are making smart moves all the time, too.
In Orgeon, 230 goats arrive to eat the "dry undergrowth that fuels big fires":


  1. Perhaps I need to embrace the cheerfulness also!

    And hurray for goats to eat the undergrowth! Unfortunately the further we get away from the land, the more we forget about the land and how we need to take care of it.


  2. Returning to the old ways. Controlled burning...or controlled eating!

  3. Goats to eat the undergrowth! What a great idea. I should forward that to our city council.

  4. Molly Ivins should have been president. But I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted the job.
