Saturday, August 29, 2020

Work Around

Volunteer Man (VM, below) sorts, prices, and displays the thrift store's donated art.  When Ass't Man rearranged the back room, he removed most of the places VM displays art. 

The two men do not get along--both being rather persnickity perfectionists.

When Ass't Man simply didn't replace the art rails and nails after a month, VM went and bought wood (floor moldings?)––with his own money––cut them to fit, and mounted them as guard rails along the top of my new bookshelves.

I texted VM  that his end run around Ass't Man inspired me.
He wrote back, "LOL sometimes u just have to do it"
I'm proud of how the shelves look for today's Indie Bookstore Day sale.

I even made a fresh sign to post on social media. (Replaced the ones I posted last night.)

A couple side-by-side BOOK's...

Teddy's Dream.

Great re-do of a great cover:

This week's display is Latin American Lit & Culture


  1. What a great idea to put the paintings/posters above the books. They are so much easier to see and people can see how they will look on walls.

    Years ago I saw the movie "Johnny Got His Gun" and didn't realize that it was originally a book. That is the most depressing and anti-war movie I have ever seen.


  2. Hurrah for Independent Bookstore Day!

  3. Your work has made this shop look high rent! Well done! Teddy's dreams looks adorable!

  4. All the displays look very nice, so easy to see everything, and all so clean :) I love that five-pendant light shade.

  5. Well done that man! Guard rails for shelves is a good idea

  6. Looking good! I'm so glad VM decided to take the initiative. Good for him. (And excellent book displays, needless to say. :) )
