Friday, August 28, 2020

Two ads for Independent Bookstore Day

I made two social-media ads for the store's book sale tomorrow--Independent Bookstore Day.

I took this just now---having a glass of rosé after work at an outdoor café. I'd brought the old book from work to photograph, and the flower petals had fallen from the café's big flower pots.

A very Instagram-y shot.

After I took the photo, I thought maybe coffee would've been better than wine for the store. (Lotta folks in recovery.)
I posted the wine shot on my personal FB and made another ad for the store's, with a photo of a dumpster I'd taken days ago. 

I'm not too eager to invite more people into the store. 
Mostly I want people to DONATE books--especially since we haven't been accepting donations of anything for months. 
The invitation to donate books is in the FB posts.


  1. Rosé!

    We just donated a pile of books to our local used-book store. Not only is the place closed except for curbside pickup — the (idiot) landlord is looking to sell the building, which will mean another empty storefront for years on end. (Because that's where we live.) The least we can do is donate books to help out.

  2. Good ads, which I admit I am no good at. And I also must tell you, I did not recognize the glass a having wine. I thought perhaps it held the flower that yielded red flowers. I'm naive.
