Thursday, May 14, 2020

Dusting off my woosah...

I. Woosah...

I'm going to work this morning! First time in eight full weeks (since March 17).
The store isn't open--some staff are going in to get it ready to open next week. I'm looking forward to seeing what's what.


I am prepared to be horrified at the lack of oversight.
I believe my coworkers will express opposing viewpoints.

I expect I will feel reactive.

I have taken my CBD

I am biking to work--about 3 miles. The exercise helps me stay calm too.

I am dusting off my woosah---the mantra for inner calm.

II. We could do this again.

The governor has changed Stay-at-Home to some gobbledygook term (Stay Safe?). Restaurants and large venues such as Mall of America and churches are to stay closed, but small businesses such as the thrift store can go ahead and open on Monday. 

It's fantastic that the stay-home order has held as long and as well as it has in my state. Not bad, considering.
It proves such a thing can be done.

Reading about recovering the pieces of the space shuttle Columbia and its crew, I saw a similar spectacular success:
NASA (taxpayers) spent millions of dollars and mobilized thousands of people (paid and volunteer) in a months-long task of gathering and analyzing the pieces.

If we can pick up tiny bits of spacecraft lost in the Texas wilderness, if we can shut down the economy for two months, we can do (and could have done) more along those lines.  
We could have rebuilt New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
We could start to reverse climate damage.
If we want.



  1. I'm sure that this first day back was a little scary as one wasn't aware of how things were going to be. Would co-workers follow basic rules (physical distancing and masks) or would they flaunt it?

    I think all one can do is follow what works for themselves and take baby steps.

    So let us know how it went!


    ps On a personal note from my thoughts is that having somewhere to go may make us feel more in control of our lifes.

  2. Pirate needs some Woosah!!
    We tried CBD..I was lucky to catch a special half price offer...if I could afford it we would be taking it regularly.
    We had better sleep and peace of mind as well as fewer achey joints. I make do with hemp oil on food and rubbing a little into my hands.
    All the best for work.stay safe xx

  3. Now it’s already the end of the workday, more or less. I hope it went well and that everyone looked out for everyone.

  4. KIRSTEN, GZ, MICHAEL: Thanks for commenting---it was nice to come home and see your friendly words.
    I am so relieved that everything went great--most especially the news that we will NOT open next week but will take time to do it right---as safely as possible.
