Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Low Down on the Girlettes

This is the scene on the sideboard this morning.
Jayne is wearing a green cape that HM (HouseMate) made her for Halloween. 

Low is communing with a sweet potato. A real sweet potato, not the girlette SweePo.

Jayne & Penny Cooper are watching the door because the handmade Bear I ordered is due to arrive from Russia today!

The Bear's name is Pensive. In Russian, that's задумчивый, "zadumchivyy" (per Google Translate, but I double-checked with the bear maker, Olga.) We'll have to wait to meet the bear, but perhaps her name could be Zadu. Or Chivyy... 

Penny Cooper is shoeless because her socks got wet when she was washing her hands in a Wisconsin rest stop.

1 comment:

  1. Very smart! Have you seen the dolls and clothes made by Serenata at The Balancing Kiwi?
