Monday, November 11, 2019

Staying Warm

I got a new clock--six dollars at the thrift store. 
The clock keeps time. A switch in the back turns on a little light bulb that makes the fireplace flicker.

The girlettes love it. They were warming their toes last night, when the temperature fell to 13º F/ -10 C.

The Little Prince usually sleeps with HouseMate, but he hates the scent of tea tree oil, and HM had annointed a cut on her leg with that smelly stuff.
I've started rereading LOTR and am surprised how much I'm liking it. I'd loved it at fifteen (the perfect age for fantasy?), but when I tried to read it again as an adult, I couldn't stand the hot air of Oxbridge. Now I'm seeing all sorts of other things in it--a palatable Catholicism, political allegory, etc.


  1. Ah, dolls, books, and an animal in the seasons of cold. Not exactly cozy, perhaps (because the mind is working?). It looks fun.

    I read LOTR every couple of years. Always there is something new.

  2. Minus ten?! Brrrr!

    I haven't ever been able to read LOTR, although I did read "The Hobbit" as a teenager (and loved it). Maybe I should try LOTR again? I remember it being agonizingly wordy and slow, but maybe I'm more patient now. (One would hope.)

  3. DEANNA: Well, the girlettes are cozy... I'm just trying to stay warm!

    STEVE: I'd be interested to hear if you try LOTR again what you think of it.

    "Agonizingly wordy and slow" is a fair assessment---I skim a lot, and follow the storyline I care about (Frodo's) and skip most of the orcs and the Noble Men of Gondor stuff.
