Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Saint Fish House

I'm relieved that I'm happy to be back to my new home. Having lived here only one month before going house sitting for two weeks, I was worried it wouldn't feel like home. 
But it does.
Some girlettes were waiting--you can see them on the table.

You can also see the house is sort of messy. 
When I walked in, I was dismayed; then I realized that as long as it's not dirty, I don't mind mess. (I know it's not dirty because I've cleaned almost every surface.)

Half the clutter on the table is mine anyway.
Dolls, of course, and their tiny possessions, sewing threads, piles of Economists, vintage Change of Address cards waiting (still!) to be written and sent to friends...

I put the plaster angel in the green dress in the center of the plant, below. (The big plants have just come in from the porch.) It's the archangel Raphael, but I like it because of the fish--a reference to the Biblical story in the Book of Tobit of a miraculous restoration of sight through the application of fish guts... (This is part of Catholic and Orthodox scripture, but not Jewish or Protestant.)
Anyway, I'm a Pisces (two fish swimming in different directions), and so is Housemate.
I've piled up books all over. 
I'm reading Significant Others, about pairs of artists and/or writers who were married to each other.

Oopps--must run to work!


  1. There's definitely something to be said for cozy disarray!

  2. Definitely my kind of house! My sister even had the sideboard in the photo above at one time.

    Love the old oak trimmed doorways and windows and real wood floors.

    Having grown up with books everywhere, I find comfort when I saw others with the same.

