Tuesday, October 22, 2019

And another present...

I guess buying useful new clothes isn't exactly a present? But since I buy used clothes 90 percent of the time, it feels like it. 

I'd bought a pair of heavily worn Ann Taylor corduroy pants for $1 at the thrift store. They're wonderful, but they're on the verge of ripping.
I found a pair on Poshmark--I wasn't familiar with that site, but it's like ebay for clothes, you know?--where individuals sell new and used clothes.

Since they're new, they're plush and velvety. I love them! 
Here I am getting dog hair on them--but they're black, and Dog is black. 
(His name is Prince, but I cringe to call a black dog after a black musician. Housemate is oblivious to such considerations--Dog is named after Prince, because he, the dog, arrived on the day the musician died.) 

The cords are like-new and cost only $21 with shipping. On the Ann Taylor site they're close to $100.
Does anyone ever pay full price? (I believe they do...)

Here's Dog on a walk yesterday evening.
Look at that empty street!!! NO TRAFFIC! I still can hardly believe it. 

Can you see what he's pulling toward?

             . . . SQUIRREL!

He yanks my shoulder when he pulls suddenly, but he's very human-centered (not like terrier Astro), and he's gotten a lot better about not jerking the leash.


  1. Whenever we couldn't rouse our dog Odie to get for a walk, we resorted to a catch phrase that always worked: "Odie!" (pause to get his attention) "Kitty-kitty-Squirrel-Bad-Guy!!!"*

    He was up on 'kitty-kitty' and at the door, barking, on 'squirrel.' I think he had stopped listening before 'bad-guy.' We had him at Squirrel!

    I like Dog Prince. He's taller and longer than Odie, but the same color and excited stance when he sees Squirrel!

    (*) Yes, you can speak in exclamation marks.

  2. What IS it with dogs and squirrels? It's so amazing to me that dogs just instinctively know to go after them.

    I often buy used clothes, too. But when I buy new I sometimes splurge on something pretty fantastic, so that balances out my sartorial budget.

  3. What do you mean? Astro's human-centered, after being Astro-centered of course. ;-)

    But I'm glad could care less about squirrels.

    And he is more human-centered than you think: if you put him in the backyard and don't stay to watch him, he'll notice you're not paying attention and not want to stay outside alone (unless there is lots of bunny-candy in the yard, in which case he won't notice you're not watching).

  4. You all know the scene in "Up", where the dogs are distracted by "SQUIRREL"?

    BINK: I mean, Astro is not particularly concerned to PLEASE humans!
