Thursday, January 3, 2019

Why Hutch Is Reading a Bible in a Motel Room

Because a reader had inquired, I asked Mortmere, my Starsky & Hutch correspondent, why Hutch is reading a Bible in a motel room. I'd posted the photo of him doing so in reference to my new 1970s furnishings.

Mortmere replies:
The episode is "The Specialist" (1976), and Starsky and Hutch are hiding from that specialist (a deranged ex-FBI weapons specialist or something) in this motel room.
Hutch is just killing time and drinking beer (the bottle is hidden behind the Bible here). Starsky has a more creative pose (he's watching television). I put together a panorama of the scene. 
I can totally see your [1970s crushed velvet hanging swag] lamp in this room!

[click to embiggen]


  1. Love it! Although Starsky would surely be more comfortable lying on one of the beds? What the heck?

  2. Thank you! Now I know the dif between Hutch and Starsky. And I'm with Steve. Streaky looks gross. Talk about man-spreading. Ew.

    I wonder if Hutch thought long and hard about his character, and figured that he's such a dolt that he would not have brought any reading material with him so he's reduced to reading the Gideon's Bible from the motel. Except, there's that tantalizing hard bound book behind him, cast off onto the bed. What's up with that? Really, there are only more questions than answers, the further out you get.

  3. STEVE & VIVIAN: I have passed along your queries to my Starsky & Hutch informant.
    I love the boys but know little of the show itself (which I do not love).

  4. Is Starsky watching porn? Or pretending he's in a porn film? Maybe to tempt Hutch away from reading the bible...
