Saturday, January 5, 2019

#ToyPhotography + Books

The Toy Lady at work bundles little toys in zip-lock bags, and when she puts out a fresh batch, I pull out ones that could go in my Books area. (She doesn't mind.)
Sometimes--often--there is nothing, but this week was a good haul.

The blue bears ^ are from the plastic-extruding machine at the zoo here---you insert a dollar in quarters, choose your animal, and the machine produces a hot, crayon-smelling figure.  
These are extra cool, so I priced them HIGH:
49 cents each.

[UPDATE: Saturday p.m.: I am very unhappy: both of the blue bears sold.  :(   I wanted them to be around a long time. Grumble, grumble. Customers are the bane of retail displays!!! ]

I priced the toys below 29 cents each.


  1. Love it!

    The blue bears are so cool. I have a Frankenstein from a machine that at the time was outside Grauman's Chinese Theater in LA. I'm sure they are long gone. Always a sucker for those machines as well as the ones that roll pennies flat and stamp a tourist attraction on them.


  2. Hi, KIRSTEN!
    Aren't the blue bears cool! I'm glad you like them too.
    I'd just added an Update--not sure if you saw it--that they have both sold, which makes me a little sad.
    I loved having them around.

    OOh---a Frankenstein might be cooler yet...Neat you have that one.
    I was amazed that the zoo here still has their plastic-animal machine.
    I went on purpose a few years ago to see (and use) it.

    Heh. Yes, penny flatteners are also pretty excellent!

  3. Hi, Francesca!

    Oohhh, those darn customers wrecking the displays! Especially the really cool stuff.

    Having worked in retail -- I know the feeling. Always a pain when you had just spent some time setting up the display and then before you know it, half of it is gone.


  4. They are such icy sweet Polar Bear...or are they Brown Bears? I'm not surprised they sold in a flash.

  5. KIRSTEN: At least we know we've done a good job on the display when it gets bought up...

    BINK: They are Blue Brown Bears!
