Saturday, January 5, 2019

Fresh Hair

Yesterday it reached a very weird 46º, and though I KNOW temps will fall below zero later in the month, I was inspired to get sheared. The receptionist at the $15 hair-cutting place where I always go told me it'd been 41 weeks since my last hair cut.
Being shaggy is so economical.

I leave in 3 minutes to bike to work, so here's just a quick snap on my laptop. My head feels lighter!


  1. Nice haircut!

    Big sigh--I wish I had thicker hair. Mine is the kind that has always been super straight and flat unless I had a permanent.

    Basically the 60's hair one used to iron to get that flat!


  2. Thanks, Kirsten, I'm pleased to have short hair again.
    But... hair. It can be such a pain:
    mine has definitely started to thin here in my fifties, but at the same time, the gray hair is drier, which gives it more texture, so it sort of fills in!

    In the photo you sent of your 1970s Xmas, you looked like you had the PERFECT hair for that decade--the one everyone was trying to achieve (by ironing and other gruesome techniques, as you mention).
