Sunday, August 5, 2018


Sunday mornings I go out for coffee with bink (in 20 minutes), which is great.

With my new schedule, tomorrow will be my first day in a long time with NO social plans. 
I will create the haruspex sheep (sew a velcro opening in back and construct a liver for divination), and (maybe not on the same day) stitch up Tulip the Golden Bear to send her to Krista, who requested her.
I can do that at home, alone--nice.

My happy Book Room news is that the set of 1898 travel books sold––all to one person.
The buyer took the two pages of information I'd printed up too, so maybe s/he's someone who loves them for themselves alone and not their leather spines.
Not my concern... but I like to think so.

I went out for Happy Hour after work with Julia and her father, Tank.
They had come to the thrift store, and Julia had helped me sort donated beads. (Someone had donated a bin of them-- I had no idea how to price them, but Julia had worked at a bead store.)
Tank sat at my desk and read while we worked, and we walked a couple blocks to the brewery afterward.
He just turned 98 a couple days ago. He can't walk the long distances he used to, nor as quickly, but he enjoys being out and about, same as ever.