Tuesday, July 10, 2018

You can contact me...

Blogger is no longer emailing comments to me (or other bloggers)---I looked it up and they say it's a problem they are working on.
Since it's been more than a month, I wonder if they are actually just further undercutting this site, which I imagine isn't the money-maker it once was? Just a speculation.

Anyway, it's very annoying--I have to go into my settings to check  comments on older posts (beyond what I can instantly see on the most current one), which I don't do every day.

So, if you ever have an immediate need (Kirsten?), you can email me directly.
Remember when we were all so shy of posting this sort of info online. Now it seems outdated.


  1. They just don’t care. Thanks for mentioning this — I hadn’t realized that comments had stopped showing up in my inbox.

  2. Sigh. You must be right--they don't care about us.
    But we shall carry on!

  3. I tried the fix you found... will see if it works---

  4. I find this so ridiculous! I found out if I hit the notify me box in the comment section I get all the comments. After you post a blog, post pebble in the pond ((0)) and check the notify me box ...... you should get all your comments....
