Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Jumping at an apple orchard this past weekend:

Bloggy news: 
Sorry to say, I have turned the word verification back on because I got tired of the spam.


  1. Ah, I see that the young Lord Byron was out for a walk along the hedgrows!

    And how much do I love this photo of you two jumping? So much.

  2. How happy and jumpy!

    I think I know why you need the wv, and I'm good without. I never mention web hot words or brands, stars, treks nor otherwise. Your blog is, in that way, rather catchy.

  3. Just want to prove I wasn't a robot again.

  4. KRISTA: That's it! (Byron)

    ZHOEN: Hm... Have you checked your blog's "traffic sources" stats? It's true that lots of my blog's hits come from searches for pop-y things, like Star Trek.

    BINK: Oh, give it up! You ARE a robot! And a dear one, too.

  5. Yeah, I get a lot of those as well, but the blooger spam catcher gets any comments from them. I tend to ignore that anyway, since I don't have to deal with their droppings.
