Monday, April 11, 2011

If Sofia Coppola Made Ferris Bueller's Day Off

This is so good: Ferris as one of those lost-in-space young wanderers of contemporary flicks, like the guy Zach Braff plays in Garden State.
This remix is right up there with the re-do of The Shining trailer. Editing and music make the movie.

The vidder says,"My aim was to make it look more like an indie coming of age film; perhaps the kind of film Sofia Coppola or Godard might make.
...The music is A Slight Return Home by Woodpigeon."


  1. Good one.

    Qualve is my word verification.

    I just qualved by third piece of chocolate.

  2. Oh, my. I was mostly distracted by how incredibly, unbelievably young Matthew Broderick is!

  3. BINK: I want some chocolate!

    RUDY: No kidding!!! Does that mean we used to be "incredibly, unbelievably young" too?

  4. I think what I find fascinating about this one is that, unlike the Shining remix, which turns the story upside-down, this one just tilts it sideways a bit. That is, you actually can kind of see this story in the original--his buddy's issues with his father, for example, while sidelined and played for laughs in the original, are still there and could have been angsty if played differently.

    Though I agree with Rudy that I spent a lot of it going "Geeeez, why is Broderick so young?" If I ever happen to see Risky Business again (unlikely), I'll spend the whole movie marveling about how Tom Cruise or so. :)

  5. JEN: True, Ferris could be remade as an indie flick without totally changing the story.

    Unlike "The Shining" as a feel-good dramedy.

    Saw a poster? ad? with Broderick on it the other day and thought, you know, he still looks young!
    But not THAT young.
