Friday, May 24, 2024

Don’t squeeze people’s heads

[Blogging at Noodletoon:
 (Occasionally reposting here, for the archive.)]

This morning at work.

Me, to student who has grabbed her friend’s head and is squeezing her face: “Don’t squeeze people’s heads. Your friend is telling you she doesn’t like it, and you could accidentally hurt someone.”

Student: “But her head is so nice and squishy!” (But she does let go.)

So, it’s like that, often. 

My student in art has made progress— I’m giving this student simple figures by Jacob Lawrence (African American artist) to copy in oil pastels, and I’m really proud that he’s catching on (with guidance)  to looking for shapes and colors in them to draw.

(As far as I can tell, he doesn't care about all this, but I can’t be sure and learning to look for patterns is a good skill anyway.) 


  1. the figures by the art student remind me of klee or miro drawings. sometimes i think with teenagers they never admit what they like!!!

    1. Hey, nice comparison!
      Yeah, these students are not only impeded in their expression by their autism, but, as you so rightly point out, they’re also teenagers!

    2. A double whammy!! But he is getting something, whether he realises or not
