Saturday, October 14, 2023

Mayo & Squirrels

Slow bunny that I am, after one year in Apt. 320, one rainy day this week I finally dared to catch the city bus express to the University, that stops hourly ACROSS THE STREET from me. (I'd been shy because the U bus makes limited stops, but I transfer at a major stop, so it's no problem.)

It's a whole 'nother world on the U bus. 
Two U-bus riders were talking about sustainable material science--specifically, the properties of mayonnaise. For single-use packets, it sounded like.

I got to work and non-U coworker Louisiana, my tip-top favorite storyteller, said,
"If grocery prices go any higher, we're gonna be eating squirrel!"

Dalton, the new volunteer, is a rocket. She feels like a compensation prize for having lost Ass't Man (AM).
I realize now that he's gone, he was my work spouse. It was a bad marriage. (Bad!) But I still felt some grief at our divorce.

I'm so glad AM's gone though.
Yesterday Dalton showed me that he'd stored twenty banana boxes of DVDs. Twenty!
(You know banana boxes? Each holds a dozen hands of bananas.)
And he priced DVDs at $2/each--way too high.

I suggested to Manageress that we put media on sale, and she was enthusiastic. (She could do this herself but doesn't.)
Sale price: all media (including LPs, VHS tapes) = 49 ¢/each.
We'll see.

Downside to Dalton--she knows and cares nothing about vintage.
She showed me this old RCA transistor radio, below--so cool!--and asked if she should throw it out.
At least she had some spidey-sense to wonder.
I showed her they sell online for $20. I priced our beat-up one $5 and put it on an end cap yesterday. I'm betting it will sell today.

I'd saved a full set of Lemony Snicket books ^ for Halloween display--they sold the first day (99 ¢ each), leaving only some tattered duplicates.

Dalton leaves for grad school after Christmas--she's going into some high-tech Type-A medical field. So this is not a work marriage, just a fling.
And actually, we share little except our astonishment at the things AM stashed away. "LOOK AT THIS!"


  1. You wish that some were willing to learn from others' knowledge...

    Mayo scientifically...the mind boggles!!

    1. GZ: yeah, I wish Dalton were catching like a healthy bug.

      I can imagine it’s a challenge to design sustainable fast-food packets for wet stuff like mayo—isn’t it wild that that’s someone’s job!
