Saturday, September 23, 2023

Red Board, living dangerously

Em surprised me by bringing me the red board, above, the third board of the collaboration we'd started with Asst Man ... two? months ago. I'd thought she might never work on this one (which I'd covered with peeled-off, red cloth book covers) , so I was thrilled.

I like the faces she'd drawn, but the man with the beard looks a lot like my father ... This morning I saw the face as a fox (I started sketching it in, above).

I had an old book covered in worn orange cloth--perfect for a fox. In process:


Asst Man has got a new job! --this coming week will be his last at the thrift store. He'd complained about management from the get-go, but wasn't able to do better himself. I figured when I called out his bad behavior when drunk that it would spur him either to address his alcohol use or to get a job in education, as he'd often talked of doing--both things, actually. I'm not surprised at his choice.

He's going to work as a teacher's aide with teens with special needs at a nearby highschool. It pays significantly more ($22?/hour). Schools are desperate for help and you don't need any training, just a two-year degree in anything. AM has a degree in graphic design.... 

To me it sounds like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, but I don't care. I'm just pleased he'll be gone. I think I've complained about him on this blog more than I've complained about anyone or anything. 

Speaking of complaining... After complaining here about Apple, I got my iphone stolen at work. 🙄

What a hoot--it felt kinda like instant karma. Luckily I still had BJ's new Moto(-rola) phone that her sister had given me when BJ died--(thanks BJ❤️).  I'm typing on it now because I haven't figured out how to synch it with my laptop to make a hotspot (I don't have internet service).

What happened was, a guy who was doing worker's comp hours at the store stole a bunch of stuff on his last day, including clothes, two phones (mine and another), and a customer's car. A car. They got it back, but nothing else. Some coworkers were angry, but I just shook my head-- our workplace once again proves to be the Wild West. And it's just a phone, just a thing.

The main problem with this relatively cheap phone, besides that I begrudge having to learn my way around it, is its poor camera (though I photographed the boards with it and they are okay). I'm not buying another Apple though, much as I love their excellent cameras, having just looked into the company's practices. (Also, $$$.) I think I'll supplement this phone with a better digital camera from work. Big Boss said I could have any donated tech to replace my stolen phone--not that we get good phones, but we do get some good cameras, since almost nobody uses them anymore.

Happy Fall Equinox! On we go, living dangerously, tipping and spinning in space... 

PS. Also I haven't figured out text messaging on this phone, so if we've been texting please email me instead.