Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Board & Blanket

I. The Art Board

I prepped my board this morning, for the three-way art collaboration I'm doing with Asst Man (AM) and Em.
Each of us has a mounted board (from bink's stash--thanks, bink!). The idea is we each start ours and then pass it along, round-robin style, for the next person to add their art to—how/whatever they want.

I peeled two cloth covers off books and glued them flat onto my board. That's all I'm going to do to kick it off:

Penny Cooper approves.
"You've created a canvas where the others can play."

Yes, and also, honestly, I want to start slow and see how--or if--this proceeds. Em will start her board now,  I bet. Not sure when AM will.
They are opposites:
Em blasts stuff out, at 3 a.m.;
AM doesn't start until he has everything planned out.
I'm in the middle.

I told them I'm bringing my board to work, and I will swap with whoever brings theirs in. (Ideally we'd all swap at once, 1–2–3, but I am not holding out for that.)

I hope this works because I like collaborating--it gets me going--I tend to dawdle. I hope it sparks the other two, too.
We could be really great together...

And, in fact, AM offered to help me set up a faux cathedral dome for the girlettes to do a Toys Recreate Paintings shoot of the "Assumption of Mary" I posted yesterday!
He suggested an upside down wicker laundry basket--poke holes in the sides for the dolls to be in flight...
There will still be a parade though--this is Parade Summer.

II. The Blanket

What a gift I got yesterday from a coworker!

Clothes-Helen collects, or accumulates :) vintage fabrics, linens, clothes. She's slowly getting rid of some she's had for years.
She brought in this twin-sized trappers blanket by 
Faribault Mills (modeled on the Hudson Bay blanket).
She said she was going to donate it unless I wanted it, in which case she would give it to me. Did I?

Did I ever!

Here it is this morning:

This is only the second four-stripe blanket to be donated to the store in my time. The first one I foolishly marked only $20--up from my coworker Mr Linen's price of $8. It sold instantly.
That was the beginning of my lust for wool blankets from Minnesota mills (primarily Faribault & Bemidji Woolen Mills. I'd blogged about the blanket "Guided" by Faribault I got at the store.)


  1. Hudson Bay blanket freak oh yes!! My mother had several and we did love them and they loved us! On we go into life and moves and having to pay rent - I sold them/gave them to the freezing...Dang! I am loving the idea of arting in collaboration.

    1. LINDA SUE: we could do a collaboration by mail. Want to?
