Monday, June 26, 2023

"Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home."

Graffiti along the Camino, 2001:
"Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home. --Basho"

 Thinking about Marz on Camino––she must be on the train now (it's afternoon in Spain), almost to Pamplona, where she'll spend the night––I got out the tiny notebook I kept on my first Camino, twenty-two years ago, July 5 – August 16, 2001.

These are the very first pages--from flying into Madrid, where I stayed over, to getting on the train to Pamplona the next morning. (I wish I'd kept up drawing as much as I did on these first days--I did very little later.)

I was meeting bink at Roncesvalles later that day.
No regrets, but I wonder what it would be to walk the Camino alone, like Marz is doing. I envy her that. (I don't wonder enough to actually DO that, but I wonder.)
It's harder to travel alone--you have to make all the decisions--but also... I don't know... All the decisions are yours, and that makes you dig deeper. I let bink do all the navigating, for instance, so I never learned how.

But a lesson of Camino is that EVERY day is a a journey--there, or here. I am always navigating my life, or I am letting someone else do it.

I've planned my walk for today.
This morning, I'm going with a coworker to the funeral of volunteer Art's sister. (I didn't know her.)
Then to work, then to see Marcia, former publishing coworker and cat-sitting client.
In the evening, I will go a little out of my way to walk home along the lake path.

Maybe I should keep a sketchbook on my walks? Mm, probably more to my liking, a photo sketchbook.
I like the challenge to look CLOSELY, to see the familiar as foreign, to see home as a journey.

I took pictures on my little walk yesterday. Below: freshly cut tree stump

It had rained on my way home. I stopped under a tree for while, and then I said to myself a German phrase I learned on Instagram--"You are not made of sugar".
I walked home in the chilly rain, and I did not melt.

Below: rain drops inside a lily.


  1. I love your sketchbook! What a great souvenir of your travels and experiences along the Camino. That German phrase is very...German.

  2. What a great idea for you to be taking these walks and making a record of them. I love that idea.

  3. Your sketch book is FAVORITE!! An everyday sketch would be the best sort of journal in my opinion... I looked up the
    Camino and did not realize that it is several - I would not choose the Pyrenees!
    This link is from

    I can not un-see the adorable little animal face in the fallen tree.Walking with Dexter the dog was slow, steady and every day twice a day, slowed me down and forced me to get out and SEE! I do not have that sort of self discipline. No motivation, no walking... just a glob of meat waiting to die....

  4. STEVE: LOL, yes, very German, "Quit your whining, it's just a little extreme discomfort!"

    MS MOON: I thought of you, taking walks too!

    LINDA SUE: Marz stars in the Pyrenees, but on the downslope, so it's not bad. She's taking the main oldest route, the Camino Frances that we walked together in 2011.
    The other routes weren't well developed at that time.
    But I like the old route anyway--it goes through all the same places the medieval route does--that was important to me, the history, the sense of walking where others have walked.

    I hadn't seen the face till you mentioned it--too cute!

    You are meat waiting to . . . GO TO LONDON!!!
