Monday, January 9, 2023

Fashion Week Concludes: "perfectly imperfect creations"

glorious perfectly imperfect creations

An Instagram friend messaged me:

"It's thanks to you that I started posting imperfect and quickly taken snapshots and it has brought me a lot of joy.
I wish I could create something more 'epic' but I'm also glad I have been able to create at least something small now and then. I would have never 'dared' to have uploaded such unspectacular things but you have shown me that just showing up at all means a lot and you really don't need perfection to spread joy.
You're my idol in that regard. With all your glorious perfectly imperfect creations.
Thank you for your kind words. I love how you always point out the tiniest details in everything. It motivates me to keep going. "

Wow. Yes, just showing up at all means a lot. I am thrilled if I have in any way demonstrated that. Just slap something together! If I'd waited till I made something spectacular, I'd never have shared anything anywhere--and yet, some spectacular things arose because I was sharing stuff.

And that's why I love the Internet--it makes such sharing possible--not just easy, but possible in otherwise impossible situations. The friend who messaged me, for instance, is bed-bound with a chronic illness--without the Internet she'd be almost entirely isolated.


And here's the last perfectly imperfect creation of Fashion Week. Not that there won't be more remade fashions to come––I still have a bunch of big baby doll clothes (and I haven't sewed up the dress with the sideways bodice)––but the week itself has run its course.

Spike paraded the fifth and final outfit yesterday:

I didn't like the preponderance of brown in the dress, so I wasn't sure I could make a good outfit out of it. I decided to try highlighting the blue--and that worked. I like this ensemble a lot.
The headpiece is a little girl's hairband.
(Everything came from my workplace, of course.)

Yesterday I also made a collage for my 1994 Star Trek calendar,
using a nursery rhyme book Kirsten sent me (thanks, Kirsten!).
"The captain said, 'Quack, quack'" suits the always dignified and ridiculous Kirk.

I did not recreate a painting with toys this weekend as I'd said I would, though I had done the preliminaries for Lady with an Ermine. Linda Sue made a fabulous one! OMG, her sprightly brain--it's like a dandelion clock--she spreads inspiration: "Just crumple up some candy foil wrappers!"
Gloriously imperfect perfection.

But I think I may be done with the TRP project. Not sure...
I made nine in a row--nine artists, that is, but twenty-some recreations––maybe that's enough, for now. I'll wait until a painting calls, if one does.


  1. spike looks fantastic in that outfit! and i wish this one was in a bigger size!! i would wear it for sure.

    rita and ava are still waiting for their clothes. none of the thrift stores here have doll clothes let alone dolls really. i do have one of the church thrifts keeping an eye out for me. the same place told me that they have problems even selling their dolls which is sad.

    lovely use of the nursery rhyme book.


  2. KIRSTEN: Oh, I could send you some of the old baby doll clothes--I'll do that. I have plenty, really.

  3. If Spike only had a pair of oversized glasses, she would look a bit like Iris Apfel with her ever-present beads. Huge love for this outfit. The use of the rosary is wonderful and the blue over-piece is perfect.

  4. MS MOON: hahaha Iris Apfel, yes--an IG commenter said Phyllis Diller, which is also fun!
    I figure the rosary beads are about the same age as the dress (c. 1950s?)--I'm glad you liked them--me too, to pick up that faded blue in the fabric too. And then the SHINY blue to jazz it up.

  5. I agree with Kirsten ! I would wear that outfit. The colors are sublime.
    Vintage cloth of any sort that has been through a child's hands has all kinds of charm. You have honored it well, the girlettes can not contain their glee - inspired!
    Truly missed your calling- you are an awesome designer!

  6. "The captain said "Quack Quack""- pick me up off the floor- hilarious!! Sweet jesus!!

  7. Went over to Linda Sue’s to see her delightful toy/painting…and loved her comment about you:
    “… Fresca is the all time champion of thinking out of the box. Zombies will likely eat her brain first because - so good.” Having just finished Walking Dead last night, I think they will want your tasty brain first…but you can easily outsmart them!

  8. spike is phyllis diller! by the way her file of 53.000 jokes are now being digitized for the Smithsonian.


  9. FRESCA HERE Thanks everyone—I’m on the bus going to work so all for now…
