Wednesday, October 26, 2022

First Faces

(First, though--what? The UK has a new prime minister?
Rishi Sunak. Okay, then--just noting...)

I did quick-sketch some coworkers at the meeting yesterday.
And BB didn't talk about Jesus;
Ass't Man led the meeting, to talk about pricing.
He handed out print-outs of categories, and we spent the 20 minutes complaining, mostly each about their own area.

"Why are toilet seats listed under Furniture?" said Mr Furniture.

At the end, AM said, "Look the list over, and get back to me."

The lists were left lying around.

What I noticed mostly, through sketching, was that almost all the men wear hats. Few of the women wear hats.
Why is that? A lot of the men are balding, or bald, so maybe it's that. Even in summer?
While women don't want to flatten their hair?
I don't know.

These are rough, but recognizable as...
Grateful-J; a new woman cashier I haven't mentioned; Jeff Croquette and Mr Furniture.


  1. Nice sketches! I can cartoon, but you can draw.

    About the hats: especially in summer. So that the follicle-bereft territories don’t burn.

  2. Thank you, Michael, for the compliment, and for the info about sun protection. That makes sense--I just hadn't noticed that most of my male coworkers are at least somewhat follicle-bereft. :)

    It's funny what sketching makes you notice--that's one of the things I like about it (and I wish I'd do it more).
    I'd never noticed Grateful-J has an earring, for instance. And New Cashier has three facial piercings!

    --Frex = Fresca

  3. Your sketches are real! I think that I can connect with those folks so much better. Grateful J looks amazing actually!
    Dennis wears a hat for protection, bald/sun/ I have come to lathe billed caps- my dad always wore a fedora and looked well put together. Even in his work clothes.

  4. I do not lathe ball caps- I loath them.

  5. LINDA SUE: That's a great compliment--the sketches are "real"---
    I distinguish toys that way too:
    some are "real", alive, like the orphans,
    some are fakes, never had or will have their own life.

    Your dad sounds snappy! A fedora, oh yes. That is a REAL hat.
