Tuesday, August 23, 2022

In Transit

See the girlettes peeking out of my bike bag? Two came along with me —(a combo of bus & bike)—and one of their calendars too—as part of my Show & Tell for the therapist. Also a restored bear, my amber prayer beads, a shell necklace from Camino, and a book about Borges and his translator. I offered the book to the therapist (because she grew up in Argentina), explaining it only cost 99 cents—and she took it! 

Which made me like her—that she didn’t refuse it on client/provider ethical grounds. (Can’t accept gifts).

She seemed very impressed with the “Dolls Help” calendar, so that was a good sign, and I liked her in general too—a relief. Mostly I talked about background intake info, but I did keep saying “yes, but…”.

“Yes, I hold tension in my neck muscles—but I’m stepping over people dying on the sidewalk.” / “Yes I’m hyper vigilant —but there are bullet holes in the windows at my work.” / “Yes, I was sleeping more—but there was nowhere to go during the pandemic so I went to bed.”

“You qualify as having General Anxiety Disorder” she said. (Insurance would cover this if I want to continue beyond the grant money, which I don’t think I do.)

“But who doesn’t?” I said.

“Right,” she said. “Probably everyone in town—in the country —would qualify.”

And we laughed. Nice.

I stopped at a fabric store near her office and the dolls got to choose a reward for coming along—they think therapy is “stupid for dolls”, but they’re always up for an outing. So they didn’t really need a reward, but I did—for Bravery in Asking for Help (BAH).

They chose two fat-quarters for the coming season: the season of joy naps! BAH not-humbug.



  1. sounds like a nice first meeting -- started to write visit but not really a visit as i think of one.

    the dolls chose 2 wonderful fabrics. why do the fabrics for the coming season always seem so inviting?

    BAH is a wonderful acronym -- i had to ask for some today which for me is always difficult.


  2. The fat quarters are perfect for the coming seasons. The girls know how to choose.
    Your therapist sounds OK , not worth the gobs of $$$ per hour- you did more for her than she for you. I would love to be your therapist, for free!! so would the orphans- they might advise - squirrel in your pocket, marshmallow necklace,and a personal favorite, a tub of whippy cream to fall into, nothing much else matter. Rolling with the orphans! Their philosophy is probably the best."If it isn't a lark, don't do it".

  3. BAH is important ((0))
    Good to see a bike on the rack...we have seen that in NZ and it used to be here on a couple of routes in Scotland.no longer unfortunately
