Tuesday, July 19, 2022


I set up a display of donated vintage paperbacks at the thrift store yesterday. I put them in poly book bags (I'd bought some myself a while ago)-- to prove they are special, don't you know, and worth more.

I’m especially pleased that I’d started setting aside covers by Edward Gorey, to put out together when I had a few—his name isn’t on the books.
High-priced for this store, though they sell for more online… (The Kafka is cheaper because it's water damaged.)
 The cover of The Masters is one of my favorites of all time. (Tried to read the book once but gave up.)

Harlan Ellison--what beauties. I hope people don’t steal these, but it’s not worth putting them in the locked glass case.

"one shilling"
I love the old Penguins but am not sure if they’re local favorites. Usually our paperbacks are 99 cents, so these are a test—
I'll be curious to see if they sell.

1 comment:

  1. i love old paperback covers. they just seem so much more interesting and wanting to draw you in.

    sometimes i buy a paperback just for the cover.

    at our public library book sale, they had j d salinger "catcher in the rye" -- a signet version originally 50 cents with this on the cover:

    this unusual book may shock you, will make you laugh, and may break your heart -- but you will never forget it.

    of course, i bought it.

