Tuesday, September 14, 2021

What I’m Reading

Mrs. de Winter is a follow up to Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca by Susan Hill. Hill wrote the famous ghost story The Woman in Black—I liked that (but not much her detective novels with detective Simon Serrailler).

Hill’s made me realize I’d accepted  Du Maurier’s ending without question, hook, line, and sinker. (I was a teenager when I read it, but still).

But, wait, Hill says… What really happened here?

I sense her outrage that Max DeWinter gets off as a romantic figure, and that no one was outraged by the end of Rebecca. 

She obviously was. 

Hill imagines—realistically I think—what the new Mrs deWinter’s lot was really going to be… The book is too long (would be better as a short story), but worth it—I skimmed the boring bits. 

I’m sitting at a coffee and wine bar after work. The world has wobbled sine my auntie died, but it hasn’t fallen down…


  1. I have a vague memory of trying to read Rebecca once, long ago, and giving up on it. My brain isn't wired for deep thinking.

  2. “Rebecca” is a murder mystery, not at all deep—try again, it’s good! Or try the Hitchcock film version-/classic

  3. I'll try it again. First I have to find a copy on ebay. I like murder mysteries. Perhaps I was thinking of something else that I gave up on.
