Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Square Is There

Speaking of the world, here are the VISITOR MAPS at George Floyd Square:

I keep adding books to the community library, and I just proofread the pamphlet "A Guide to GFS", which is a great idea, but almost past its usefulness.

In a couple weeks, the square will be... well, who knows if it'll be anything except one memorial.
The guide could use a lot of work, but I advised the guy putting it together just to change the spelling errors and print it now.

At least it will be a historical document.
"For one brief shining moment..."

More books I've brought to and/or set up on view at the George Floyd Community Library

Fact checking the guide, I found info on the three billboards that are on rooftops facing the square.
They're part of the ongoing Social Justice Billboard Project.

This is my favorite, by photographer Patience Zalanga:
a man reads to his child a book from the community library:


  1. that's a wonderful billboard...I don't remember seeing it, but then, I'm not sure I ever looked up...there's so much to see on the street.

  2. I'm glad it will be memorialised, most people will forget, but 200 years from now, someone will read that guide and conversations will happen.

  3. BINK: I never saw this particular billboard, and it took me a while to notice the billboards--like you, on the ground I don't tend to look up!
    It's good, isn't it.

    RIVER: That is such a nice and true thing to say! This will become "history" pretty quickly--just like kids now study the Vietnam War as practically ancient history!
