Monday, July 26, 2021

Invitation: Send Books for George Floyd Community Library

I've mentioned a few times here tidying up the Community Library at George Floyd Square.
I've added books from the thrift store too--mostly by and about Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other people of color.

Maybe some of you have books along those lines on your bookshelves that you'd like to donate?

They could be oldies but goodies, such as Maya Angelou or Obama's older autobiographies, or new stuff, like books by the Afrofuturists such as N. K. Jemison.
Kids books are wanted, for sure!

If you do have some to donate, you could mail them to me, I'd take them over, and then post photos here of the books in place.
You can email me for my address if you're interested and don't have it.

I was thinking about it because I really want to give the community library a good weed---some of the books are water damaged, missing covers, or just entirely unwanted titles.
(Why oh why do people "donate" utter junk?)
But I don't want to overstep...

Last night I ran into a neighborhood pal, a white guy who lives near and has been involved at the square from the beginning.

I told him I want to weed the library, and he said,
"Go for it! That's how the square works."

He himself was on his way to add a gravestone for Duante Wright to the Say Their Names Memorial
near the Square (each headstone represents a Black person killed by police or civilians--(Emmet Till has a stone)--no one had gotten around to it yet.
("Say Every Name" list of names and photos)


  1. Best wishes; I hope this all works as you hope.

  2. I hope you get plenty of donations. I can't help from this far away and don't have any suitable books anyway.
