Saturday, June 26, 2021

House-Sitting Doll Duties

 They take their house-sitting duties very seriously.

First, they greet the house bears, Teddy & Squish Bear.
BELOW: Then, with bear help, they take care not to transfer invasive species from house to house.
(Also they like to push the pump.)

Note: Teddy, above left, will be getting restored––at the request of my pal, Stef, whose childhood bear he is.

This morning, they wrestled with the garden hose and lost--they got soaked.
They loved it!
But honestly, the hose spray is too strong for them. They can use watering cans.

They are doing well. I, however, failed the intelligence test.

Stef gave me instructions on almost every thing in the house. Almost.
I had to google how to use the can opener.
I'm not alone, at least––it's the first search term that comes up when you search, How to use OXO ___.


  1. I do like the bear the way he is, loved until his stuffing collapsed, but I am sure it would like to live another day, looking a bit more perky. wouldn't we all?
    Glad you have professionals helping you house sit- they always know what to do.

  2. Restoring a childhood bear is a good deed.

  3. So glad the girls are being careful to not spread germs. I love seeing them gardening, a little water play is a great idea in the summers. The bears are sweet.
    You failed at can opening?? Now I'm laughing!

  4. LINDA SUE: Teddy is T-riffic as is, I agree.
    But he's propped up here--the sad state of his stuffing has reduced him to a boneless heap.
    So I think he'll welcome a little help.

    JOANNE: It's a fun deed!

    RIVER: Penny Cooper is a careful child.
    Yes, I failed at can opening. I had to laugh myself.

  5. Is it an especially difficult can opener? It must be if people are Googling how to use it! Now I'm intrigued!
