Monday, May 3, 2021

Musical Artist Douglas Ewart (There's something about a hamster wheel.)

Wow! Michael at Orange Crate Art let me know the amazing musician who made the George Floyd Bunt Staff I posted about yesterday is Douglas R. Ewart:

"Bunt" for bundt because,  Ewart says,

"George Floyd bunted with his life deliberately or inadvertently, and thereby opened the eyes, ears, hearts, conscience and compassion of the world, and to the stories of all who have suffered and are suffering police lawlessness, brutality, and extrajudicial killings throughout the world.

We trust that the guilty verdicts in the George Floyd case is a tremendous turning point for continued Justice throughout America and the rest of Planet Earth.

Stay Strong
Stay Focused
Stay Committed to the Fight for Truth, Justice and Equality!!!
Walk Good!"
Here's my favorite of the many instruments he creates, which you can see on his website.
 “Sonic Stroller” orthopedic crutch, deer skin, nylon cord, bells, hamster cage, wheels, cheese cutter, pot cover, metal speaker holder and battery operated movement initiated lights in hamster cage.
Made by Douglas R. Ewart

There's something about a hamster wheel---I have one sitting around, waiting for the girlettes to use it in a Circus Act. (The next Costume Day is mid-May!)

And Marz attached a red one on top of a sieve (etc.) to make her Captain dance hat in 2018:

"I entered the crooked room 

of questions you just don't ask,

On the altar was a hamster wheel:

"Spin here for your next task." 

(song lyrics by Marz)


  1. That's an interesting instrument. I would never think to do anything like that.

  2. Fascinating instrument...what sounds does it make?

  3. I'm not sure what sound it makes---looks like others he's made with crutches, which he calls Stomping Sticks--when you stomp or shake it, it's the sound of bells--
    not sure if there's anything else.
    I'll try and remember to ask him when I see him...
