Wednesday, May 12, 2021

more thrift store donations

 More thrift store donations. Since I’m not posting for the store’s social media, I’m enjoying doing it for myself!

BELOW: For some reason I really noticed the detail of the cats’ expressions in this print of a Goya painting I’ve seen many times:

BELOW: This is the Cabbage Patch doll I dropped off at the window of a pal’s apartment.
The girlettes were intrigued. “What is that? Is it alive like us?”
The Cabbie remained inactivated and no contact was established. 

BELOW: Cover illustration by Al Nagy, 1964

Never too many bleeding hearts (even though this one is machine stitched, I’m pretty sure):

BELOW A coworker knew who this baby dino is but I forgot (from Jurassic Park II)—
I put it in the tool room. 

We lose or undersell a lot of vintage stuff. These cool mid-century chairs, BELOW, were going to be thrown out...

New babies! Don’t they seem pleased and surprised? I suspect they’ve been boxed away. 


  1. The babies are lovely!! And yes, surprised! The girlettes are amused trying to make contact with the cabbage baby which is futile. She, after all was born from a cabbage.

  2. The new babies seem to be saying "look how bright out here" and "look how big the world is".
    They remind me of dolls I saw long ago when I was very little. I'd be up in a tree, reading and the neighbourhood girls would meet at the playground with their dolls in little prams.

  3. LINDA SUE: The girlettes determined, "It is in cabbage state". :)

    RIVER: That was me too--reading--I never liked dolls when I was a kid, or even until now.

  4. Great donations, especially the babies. The baby I got from Ebay has the same expression. The chairs are lovely too. I would pick those up off the street if I saw them!
