Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration Day: the common objects of their love

 OH THANKGOD, nothing blew up!!!

Emcee Penny Cooper was crying a little through the whole thing. 

BELOW: "That human is wearing a gold toy!"

BELOW: "That person rides a bike."
(True. Amy Klobuchar, D-MN)

"Here is another important grown-up person who was once a girlette."


BELOW: Penny Cooper takes a small break, and Spike steps in.
"Here are some grown ups."

BELOW: Penny Cooper leads the choir of "Amazing Grace"

BELOW: "This person is saying to be brave.
She is not much older than me!"


BELOW: "What will they have for lunch?"


  1. I'm happy that the girlettes and all youngsters now have a different kind of pres and vice pres to look up to.

    I looked up that Augustine statement. First Joyce, now Augustine.... It's a new day.

  2. such a happy goose bumpy day! EXCELLENT! The girlettes are floating, I see. Maple observed , the human wearing a toy has a silly wonderful dress.

  3. Penny Cooper did a fine job with a little help from Spike. Why is Spike upside down in the first pic? Is he so happy he is doing handstands?

  4. MICHAEL: I studied Augustine & Late Antiquity--that was the focus of my BA in Classics, so yeah, I was amazed to have a president who would quote him!
    Welcome, new day!!! Looong time coming.

    LINDA SUE: Lady Gaga's outfit with the gold bird was my aboslute favorite! I hope Maple can fashion something similar out of tissue paper, or whatever's to hand.

    RIVER: Yes--that's a happy handstand! Spike is a girl, as are all the girlettes, by the way---someone where she previously lived gave her a drastic haircut.
