Thursday, January 28, 2021


Yesterday I spent an hour on the floor at work, photographing  donated dolls. Most are dirty & damaged, one way or another.

I'm relieved that I'm generally undamaged myself, though out of shape. Gym-guy Ben had asked me on Monday if I spend much time on the floor, and I'd said no. He'd given me "lift-yourself-off-the-floor" exercises anyway--
like, sit on floor with legs to one side, and lift your rump up.
My glutes were sore the next day!

I never cared about dolls until the Little Reds came. Now I see how alive dolls can be.
Lots of people told me these dolls are creepy. I can see that, but I feel the opposite--to me, they appeal.

(His arms ^ are on wires.)

BELOW: This doll is made of one piece of wood, I think--she is immovable.

The Japanese dolls above ^ are worth some money. ($25 each? They are in rough shape).
Most of these dolls aren't worth much though--a couple bucks--some would say none.

I don't know if I should bring them home... What would I do with them? 

For now, I am photographing them at work.


  1. I love these dolls! The Japanese ones are stunning. I think I have a vintage obi very close to the fabric on the doll on the left. I would buy them in a heartbeat.

    And the doll with the pink outfit is fantastic.

    I look for dolls here but they rarely show up anymore.


  2. OMG They are all treasures! The gofun dolls are worth more $$ probably but all of them are so worthy! Someone is going to be very lucky! They are wonderful!!

  3. The hoe made knitted doll!! OMG! who would ever let her end up at a charity shop?

  4. hahaha HOE made...hahaha "HOME" made!

  5. sorry but the plethora of dolls made me too excited to collect my thoughts in one comment - the Madame Alexander looking one with bow lips is likely worth some $$$

  6. They all need a little tlc....

  7. I like the dolls, but LOVE the clothes, especially the tiny kilt with the matching plaid around the socks.

  8. THANKS, all---I've gotten lax about replying to comments but I read all and appreciate you writing them!!!

  9. These are wonderful! I would think they'd be snatched up!
