Monday, December 21, 2020

Pulla & Eeva

 I woke wide up around 4 a.m.--couldn't figure out why--then realized it must have been the girlettes cheering: Yellowstone and Saana had arrived at Solstice!

A friend who had lost her little gray cat wondered if such a cat might come to a doll... and indeed! Last week, this little cat came--shy at first, she turned out to be quite chatty. She is attached to Girlette Eeva.
Cat's name is Pulla (the Finnish cinnamon-cardamom roll).
I baked pulla when I was working on the geography book about Finland--
my Pulla Recipe here.

Telling the others all about her adventures. (The human is Marz. She is waiting for her synthesizer to arrive.)


  1. What a beautiful little cat! So well made, accurate in details.
    She certainly is attached to Eeva.

  2. What a lovely little cat. I've been looking out for a puppy for Meg. I have one which is far bigger, she can sit on it like a horse almost, but I'd like her to have a tiny one, so I'll be doing the rounds of thrift shops after New Year break.

  3. Pulla is very cute! Welcome Pulla!
