Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

"On we go..."

Merry Christmas and Happy All the Holidays!
From me and the Girlettes

(This is at the grain elevators and railroad near where I live.) 

Linda Sue's girlettes put on a Christmas story at Lady Margaret's Curlers


  1. She is in a dangerous location but has a magnificent animal to protect her, all is well. Adorable north pole suit! Merry jingle bell- looks like a heavy suitcase full of gifts?

  2. Merry Christmas! Where did you find girlette-sized Christmas lights?!

  3. LINDA SUE: Re dangerous location---I did rather wonder as I was lying on my stomach on the RR track, taking this series of photos, if I was in any danger... :)

    In fact, half the grain elevators are defunct, and trains come to load up, but not frequently.
    Probably more in danger from the filth on the ground---lots of geese and other birds hang out there to eat spilled grain...

    I think the suitcase if full of gifts for us...
    ANd since you gave them the suitcase, I think the first gift is for YOU!

    STEVE: HM (house mate) gave them to the girlettes!
    The vintage reindeer is from the thrift store, and the suitcase is from LINDA SUE (above)!!!

  4. Merry Christmas, Girlettes! and You!

  5. Girlette on the path to adventure! Thanks for another lovely picture... and best holidays wishes to you all!

  6. Beautiful image. Love the doll size suitcase :) I used to have something similar, a case that held a wristwatch, but I can't find it now.
