Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Otter Underway

Trying out a free app for blogging on the phone (I loaned my laptop to Marz until she leaves town in ten days).

This morning I’m starting to embroider Flummox’s muzzle so she looks more like an otter—you may remember this rescue toy says she is one of them. 

Ok, that was easy to compose... so... how do I post this?

Nope—can’t. I have to buy the app—No way. 
I’m on the web version of blogger now—it’ll do. 
Dog says hello. 


  1. All the Blogger apps for iOS I've seen are pretty poor. What I do (if I have to) is write in Byword and send it to my blog’s e-mail address as a draft (every Blogger blog has one) and then tinker if I have to. Notice that Google has no interest in making a decent app.

    Strange to say, but the new Blogger interface is quite good on an iPhone. It's possible to position the cursor and type without having to hit Done and start over, and over again. But it’s still an awkward way to write.

  2. Flummox is adorable!

    I have found some great velveteen to use on Bunny. I was draping swatches on him yesterday to see what worked better.


  3. Aah, Flummox is cute. Can't wait to see her finished!

  4. I've never used an app to post. I have very rarely used my phone, but only when necessary! Love the otter!
