Monday, September 21, 2020

Golf & Grapes

For bink's birthday yesterday we went mini-golfing at Big Stone Mini-Golf & Sculpture Garden: an artist-made course outside town.

Some did not fully comprehend the game.

The picnic is the most important part anyway.

                                              Grapes were handed out.


  1. I agree, the picnic is the best bit. On any school trip, the packed lunch is the main focus for the kids. The football looks fun!

  2. Kickball — what’s not to understand? :)

  3. What a great day. I have my own little girlette now, will introduce her on my blog soon.

  4. KICKBALL!!! I loved playing kickball in fifth grade!

    RIVER: Oh, I'm so excited to meet your girlette!!!

  5. I'd be very interested to know where I can get pretty dresses and other outfits for her like your Girlettes wear. I have ordered a couple of "Madeline" outfits, but the selection seems to be limited.

  6. I follow your IG account, (I have the IG account Rose Cottage Madenline) not sure if I have left a message on your blog before or not? It was fun to discover a blog friend in the UK received some of your Girlettes!
