Wednesday, August 26, 2020

how to shelve BOOK's

I've been hoping and waiting for someone to donate real bookshelves with adjustable-height shelves, to replace the store's never-meant-for-books shelving. Finally someone did: the sister of a book lover who recently died donated his shelves. Originally from bookseller B Dalton, the shelves are purpose-built.

It's been a huge chore (in hot and humid weather, and insufficient a/c) to set up the new shelves and reshelve the books---but well worth it.

Here's a volunteer with the new shelves for the children's books.
Can you see the shelves sprighten up the used books?

We only replaced these two sections--the tall shelves in the main book bays remain. They aren't beautiful, but they do hold a lot.

A couple more of my Social Distancing set ups.

The small but real pleasures of being Custodian of BOOK's.

And... here's a bit of ephemera I found in an old book.
"how to open a BOOK", with the immortal lines,

"I almost fainted. He had broken the back of the volume...."


  1. B. Dalton — I hadn’t thought of that name in years. I bought William Carlos Willams’s Collected Poems In one. In a chain bookstore.

    Did that bookcare notice damage the pages of the book itself?

  2. It looks wonderful! you have done a good thing!! I would die for the solar queen, What a lovely queen she is!
    All of your hard work certainly improves a place, you are the great improver!

  3. 99.9% of my books are paperbacks and the backs have been not-quite-broken, but badly bent so the book stays open without me holding it so I can read while I eat. It's a bad habit that I started when I was seven. These days I do try to hold a book more gently and not break the back, so when I'm eating dinner, I'll read from my kindle instead.

  4. What a great donation! A good bookcase always helps.

    I wonder how many people opened books that way. I cringed just reading the description of how the book was opened.


  5. Great shelves! We have a "Solar Queen," which I got in a thrift store here!

  6. Lovely shelves! I could do with proper ones at home!!

  7. I want to know more about the Solar Queen...does she completely light up, or just her gloves? Does the solar power make her raised hand wave? (It looks like it could twist.) Enquriing minds want to know!

    One thing though, the queen looks more like Hyacinth Bucket (on Keeping Up Appearances) than the actual queen.
