Thursday, July 2, 2020


I found a better time machine at work for the Penny Cooper Project--a Springmist Controller.
I can't find info online--maybe it was for regulating an outdoor sprinkler system, since you can set it to RAIN?

But obviously you can use it to travel backward, since its TODAY dial turns that way...

I'd like to jump ahead, personally--past the heat wave that looks like lasting a good long time.
The temperature isn't entirely insanely high--up around 90ºF/ 32ºC–– but the air is thick with moisture. No springmist, this. More like tropical steam.

From where I'm house sitting, I bike 4.8 miles to work--luckily mostly along bike paths. 
I pedal  s  l  o  w  l  y  and drink water along the way.
 Yesterday at the end of my workday, I soaked my shirt and straw hat in water before heading home. They were almost dry by the time I got to the lake, so I stopped at the beach to wet them again. 

No lifeguard is on duty.
Except this one, who isn't keeping an eye on the swimmers...

Six weeks of this, I will melt into a sylph. 
(Wouldn't mind melting off some of the Covid weight...)

Extra happy to be house-sitting in central air-conditioning. Life is pretty stressful these days. At Monday's meeting, Big Boss set up a good communications plan:
weekly meetings!

Seems obvious, eh? But we almost never had store meetings before. (Have I mentioned this place runs like the Wild West? Like, a hundred times?)

I always said I'd see this job as a Spiritual Psych Laboratory.  I do get sucked into the vortex of crazy, but I remind myself that this lab is my Home Base.
I am positioning myself as An Observer.

Meanwhile, life goes on with its everyday troubles too. 
Marz went bike camping and came back with poison ivy ten days ago. She is staying with me in the a/c.

You know how these non-dangerous things will make you as miserable as anything.

After days of horrible sleep-depriving itchiness, she's finally feeling better.

And now, off on my bike I go.
Love ya'll!


  1. Penny Cooper found the absolute BESt time machine! Just the thought of spring mist is enough to get us through the day!
    I have a crush on the lifeguard, BTW.
    And isn't there some kind of pink liquid stuff with which one fills a bathtub for a long soak , takes care of skin irritations ?

  2. LINDA SUE: yes, my friend was caked with pink calamine —
    Not very effective against poison ivy, alas.

  3. Oh, ugh. Poison ivy. Your poor friend! The last time I had it, I scratched and it got infected, and THAT was a nightmare. (I tried calamine lotion too! This was 30 years ago, though.)

    Hopefully the store meetings won't be too painful. I love that Springmist device, whatever it is! It's very time-travelish.
