Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A New Leaf

You remember I'd planted the potato that'd sprouted in the thrift store during Stay at Home?

This morning I saw its first tiny new leaf!


  1. Good to see new beginnings.

  2. Symbolic of renewal, growth, maybe rebirth, like SVDP's sprouting from ashes and destruction: survival against all odds to grow anew.

    After the first leaves fan out, you can start hilling rich earth and leafy compost around the base, to provide the depth the potatoes will need to flourish and expand.

    I think you could write a wonderful story about the potato and the survival and renewal of Minneapolis.

  3. GZ: Yes! I posted it on the store's FB too, part of my informal "We Are Resilient" series.

    CROW:Thanks for the potato growing tip---I've never grown one! You can see that Low, girlette Protector of the Potato, took your advice yesterday.
    We all need rich soil to keep producing, eh? XO

    STEVE: It really is!
