Saturday, May 16, 2020


I. At work

In the furniture room, where my books area is, reflected in the mirror of a chest of drawers. (I still have a pre-iPhone orientation: look for mirrors to take pictures of self.)

And here, below, is my newly rearranged work area--mostly the boxes and shelves are full of books. (Some vintage stuff too.)
Everything was pulled apart in the store to allow for 6-foot physical distancing between staff.  That's the new law. I'm glad that the bosses are taking it seriously. Health and safety haven't always been a big priority at the store.

II. Photo Permissions

I didn't ask my coworkers, but I'm going to post this photo--just for a couple days, and then take it down.

Because I want to show it off: the looks, the composition, the colors... all accidental. (They were painting walls and scrubbing floors. They did ask me to take photos for the record.)

A friend recently asked me to remove photos of them from my blog--they don't like being online and have no social media accounts themselves.
Fair enough.

My auntie doesn't like being online either, and I've sometimes disregarded that. She'd never know either way, but my friend's request prompts me to think I'd better take down photos of my auntie too.

It hurts to take apart the blog––it's a seamless piece of history, and I hate to cut bits out––but if you say you want to respect people's wishes (which I do), then you need to do it.

Oh good--I'm relieved to see I'd only posted a couple photos of my auntie on her own. The others all have me or others in them, and I know she'd be OK with that.]

III. Layer it.

This weekend I'll be sewing masks again.
I got African and SE Asian cotton prints at the store, and Kirsten sent me some fabrics, including silks.
(Thank you, Kirsten!)
Some are too fragile for masks. They're for dolls. Others, I washed in hot water to make sure they can tolerate that.

Here are some hanging on the line. (The clothes dryer broke a few months ago, which is a pain, but it's environmentally great. I hadn't realized it but dryers are huge energy sucks.)
Interestingly, I'd just read (here, in Science Daily) that the combo of one layer of closely woven cotton and one of silk makes the best face masks:
The cotton forms a physical barrier, and the silk, an "electro-static" one. (Silks hold an electric charge! How cool is that?)


  1. Good to see your workplace. It is looking well organized..and well stocked.
    Best wishes to your willing workers!!

    It is difficult deciding what photos to add. Pirate doesn't mind his being on there, but that does mean family can see what we are up to!

    Others I try and add back view photos without an i.d.

  2. Thanks, GZ!
    That's a good idea for photos--unattributed back views...

    I like that Pirate shows up in your blog---it's nice to see a person, and he's always doing something interesting! (Digging, biking, building...)
