Monday, April 20, 2020

Ukulele improv

bink & Mz play ukulele in bink's backyard yesterday. Astro is not impressed.

I'd biked over. That's my foot (in red-toed sock) to the left. 

Next time Maura can join us: She's been well for three days now, so she can leave the bedroom. Yay!

I FaceTime with bink every day. 
Yesterday morning I was sitting by the creek (10 blocks from my house), and bink was in her kitchen.
Princess Leia! 

FT is great, but I've been surprised how much I get from seeing friends in the flesh (bink & Mz, mostly)--at a distance or through glass. It is one of the sanity-keeping things.

Also, the girlettes.

They are not concerned.

Are people where you are leaving messages in sidewalk chalk
It's common in this residential neighborhood--and sometimes they leave the chalk out for you to add to it.
SweePo wanted to take away these people's pink chalk. I told her no, we have some at home. (HouseMate does.) So that's coming up.


  1. Yes! I've seen chalk messages too. Sometimes quite cryptic!

  2. STEVE: These are mostly ordinary family-made messages---"Smile!" and hopscotch.
