Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How to Maintain Social Distance, Vulcan Style

(Oops, Mr Spock would more likely say, "two meters".)


  1. Spock was/is my favorite ST character; for things like this meme.

    My hero rides again! Thank you, Fresca.

  2. I recently looked after a cat called Mr Spock, and he was a funny delight, and not at all serious like his namesake. I was just planning to go and sit with my elderly cat, but stopped by here first and just read all of your last few posts. When you commented the other day and I read your bio, I thought your job sounded like the perfect one. If only other people weren't involved! I also have read 'The Martian'. It is not necessarily the sort of book I would choose, but I loved the film so much because of the way he never gives up, and the book was even better. I read it at the time we were just about to lose our lovely cat Tiger, then after she died too, and somehow it really helped. I don't think I have seen 'Contagion' but might watch it this week. Hope you have a good rest of the week!

  3. CROW: Spock was my favorite when I was in high school, and I'm still extremely fond of him!

    SARAH: Seems "Spock" is a favorite name for cats... LOL--you're right, my job is perfect, except for the people! In fact, most of the other people are great---just that little problem that when people get power they don't know how to use it well.
    (I wouldn't either--that's why I've never become a manager.)

    Funny how a book like "The Martian" can be comforting. I suppose it puts our troubles in perspective: "Not as bad as being alone on Mars"?
    Still, losing a dear old cat--that's hard.

    I saw "Contagion" when it came out, and that it is part of why I'm now so annoyed that we're not better prepared---the movie is like a playbook for this pandemic.
    Of course the USA was more prepared before our current president threw out things like the Pandemic Taskforce.

    I would be too scared to watch "Contagion" right now---NOT a comforting movie.
