Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Pandemic Drabble: "The Last of Master"

The Last of Master
The cats and I just ate the last of master.

I don't know why the cats bothered, there are plenty of rodents about. I've caught a few myself, just to keep in fighting form. I suppose a cat's natural inclination is to conserve energy, the lazy beasts.

For myself, I did what master wanted.
His last words to me were, "Eat me, Hardy".

The servants were very decent, leaving the water taps dripping before they buggered off, so I haven't had to leave the house.

Unlike the hounds in the kennels, I can fit through the cat flap.
The time has come for me to do so.

 ❧ ❧ ❧

Drabble: a piece of fiction 100-words long (or thereabouts, if you're not particular). Mine is 107 words.

HouseMate and her son (#3, not the one who lives here) also wrote a short piece inspired by the pandemic--we'd set a guideline last week of "about a page"--and it was surprisingly fun to read them aloud last night, in the backyard.

We all agreed we'd write another episode for next week. I've almost never written any fiction, so this is a good little challenge.


  1. Excellent! Amy Hempel made a whole career out of writing minimalist short stories.

  2. “Eat me, Hardy.” That’s a nice play on what the pirates say.

  3. Thanks, Steve, Michael, & bink!
