Friday, April 17, 2020

One more mask

I saw a photo of how far your breath streams out when you run or bike. Pretty far! So now it's biking weather, I'll need more masks. I don't want to spray spittle on people in my path.

I don't have any fun fabric left, so I reconfigured a napkin I'd made of Star Trek material a friend sent me a few years ago. (It's got a few mayonnaise spots, but you can't tell at a glance. And mayo is probably an effective barrier!)

My hair is starting to look like the head feathers of an exotic chicken breed.


  1. That fabric art is from the old animated Star Trek series that used to be on Saturday mornings! (I think...?)

  2. STEVE: hi! I have never watched the animated series and so I looked it up> I'd say you were right--the drawings look similar-- except that Chekov was not in the animated series, and he is on this fabric.
    I sure wish I had more of it...
