Saturday, March 21, 2020

"None of us feel ALL RIGHT!"

Uh, I do mostly feel just alright, actually, . . . for the time being. It all feels a bit out of time & place, and I'm concerned for others, but I'm the sort of person who's happy to have to stay home.

Still, here's another (10-second) Shatner Classic Delivery (SCD), that feels fitting for Life in the Time of Virus:
Captain Kirk in the Star Trek episode "Miri" (1966) declaiming...
[If this won't play on your device, here's the link:]

 I thought of this episode when I heard that the coronavirus doesn't hit children hard (is this still the case?):
In "Miri", the Enterprise comes to a planet where long ago, all the adults were wiped out by some mysterious... virus? The surviving children age very, very slowly, but when they hit puberty, they start to die.
Miri––played by Kim Darby!––is one such girl.
You can see her bangs blow in the wind here...


  1. I am so in the mood to watch old Star Trek episodes! Kim Darby-I always wanted to be here especially after True Grit.


  2. I love this episode! One of my faves! Maybe time to re-watch it today...:)

  3. KIRSTEN: Me too-I saw "True Grit" when I came out--can that be? I was only 8 in 1969---but, yeah, my parents took us to pretty intense movies:
    I was scarred by the collapse (death?) of Kim Darby's horse Little Blackie!
    What was her character's name?
    Mattie Ross.
    Of course. But I have to look it up!)

    STEVE: I keep meaning to watch an episode and keep being "too busy"!
